Monday, February 20, 2012

Snow, Neighbors, Friends, Making Memories

Day before yesterday, it was 57 degrees outside and the children were running around barefoot with no jackets, picking daffodils and wildflowers and rejoicing in the warm sunshine.
Yesterday, we awoke to rain. Later in the day we heard sleet peppering the living room windows as we munched popcorn and watched "Through Gates of Splendor". After the movie was over, we looked outside and saw snow on the ground, and more coming down.
We really didn't think we'd see any this year. We've sort of given up on snow, moving down South. At least what we call snow. They do get some frost here, and some wet, sloppy sticky stuff. Sometimes both of those are called snow. (0;
But when it does really snow here, it does it pretty. The humidity and the temperature are higher, and that makes the snow stick to every single surface.
Every tree branch.
Every pine needle.
Every stalk of last year's blackberry patch.
Every leaf of the boxwood bushes.
It's beautiful.

And to double our pleasure yesterday, our new friends, who live just through the woods at the edge of our meadow, invited us over for the evening. We had a little short walk back to their place, just long enough for Sophia to chase snowflakes with her tongue, and Tabitha to decide it was "pretty" but that it was "hot" when it hit her face. When we got through the meadow, we went through the woods on the path Noah cleared with a bowsaw and a hatchet and that all the children worked together to clear of brush and brambles, ducked underneath a feathery, white-coated cedar tree, and into our friends' domain. The children all played in the snow to their hearts' content, while us grownups got to know one another better and enjoyed talking to other grownups about grownup things ;0)
Once the outside play was over, there was a movie for the children to watch over pizza while the grownups had some good fellowship and sharing over our pizza in the kitchen. We stayed late (and slept in this morning!) and had such a good time.
I think this is the first time we've had "next-door-neightbors" in our (almost) 10 years of marriage (excluding the times we've lived in our travel trailers in friends' backyards!) and it's awfully nice. We're all looking forward to spending more time together, and enjoying our proximity. This summer should be loads of fun for the children, we have lots of combined yard/woods between our houses for an imaginary kingdom of playland.
Looking forward to good times, good talks, growth, and friendship.

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