I've been s-l-o-w-l-y building up a website and an online store, in snatched spare moments between diaper changes, math classes, reading lessons, house cleaning, fire building, yard raking... You get the idea.
They're finally taking on real shape (although I still refer to both as being in "Public Beta") and, hopefully, the store will soon have actual, active customers!
I've put a few (very few, actually) things in stock in the store, as I've been focused more on the back-end side of things (setting up payment capabilities, figuring out shipping, making the fonts look like I want...) but now is when I'll be stocking the store!
It'll still go slowly, only a few new items a week for a while, until things start to move, but it's happening!!
Something I'm really excited about is one of my next products.
Some of you know, I happen to be married to a crackerjack of an electrician. He's a Master in one state, and a Contractor in two. After 15+ years as an electrician, he's good at what he does. Currently, he is in a managerial position at a company that handles high-end customers, and can get his hands on some really nice things.
He's bringing those really nice things to my store, to be coupled with the style that I am exploring.
The product we're currently working on is inspired by these:
but will be made of something a little more like these:
But will have some awesome LED lights inside...
LEDs are the greatest things ever in lighting. They can be super-bright, but can be on a dimmer, they cost a tiny fraction of what incandescent or fluorescent bulbs to run, they have a bulb life several hundred times that of incandescent or fluorescent, and (insider info?) building codes are possibly moving toward requiring them in the future. They also put out no heat, so the places you can put them just opened up all kinds of options!
So in these lights, you'll have the best of both worlds! Rustic, simply, homey looking lights, with all the benefits of the most modern lights you can buy for your home.
What can beat that??
I'll let you know as soon as we're finished building them and they go "on the shelves" in my store!
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