Sunday, December 23, 2012

What To Do With My Tumblr?

I just got this Tumblr a few days ago, mostly to claim the name (I'm grabbing this name all over the internet, just to keep it mine). I imported all my blog posts and chose a theme I like, and then wondered:
So what's the difference between my blog and Tumblr anyway?
There for a while I was juggling several blogs (Blogger, Posterous, Wordpress...) while I decided which platform I wanted to use. Several of you got thoroughly befuddled trying to figure out which one to follow, as I tossed back and forth- sorry about that. Now I'm at it again, just slightly different. I know I want to keep Blogger as my main blog, and I have my own website now that I'm slowly (yes, really really slooooowwwwly) setting up to sell things (ditto my Etsy shop), but after I found this cute theme I can't just let it languish unused! 
So, off to Google I go (what I do now, instead of a trip to the library as in the days of yore) to find out, just what IS the difference between Blogger and Tumblr? I know there must be sort of sub-cultural, attitude/purpose difference, so I'll do a bit of reading and then figure out what to do with each one. 
Stay tuned! :0)


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